
The One You Feed Foundation was formed in 2013 as a gift to communities all over the world.

After publishing the award winning book in 2011, The One You Feed author and the Foundation's creator,  Victoria Horton traveled for 2 years donating books to various communities across the country. Throughout her travels, Victoria experienced great success with the youth utilizing the book as a resource for learning and development.

Realizing the magnitude and immense power of the book, The One You Feed Foundation was established to foster heart-centered experiences for our communities’ youth. Our programs promote youth character development through intentional activities and create a safe environment where youth and their mentors share open dialogue about their sense of self,  their relationships with others, and their contribution to their community.

The Foundation’s mission is to support communities as they strengthen the character education of their youth through self- guided, specialized group programs and creative experiences based on the community’s needs.

Having a multi-dimensional approach, the Foundation offers the opportunity for youth to explore and understand who they are through discussion and shared activities, such as yoga, art, games, and more, and are then empowered with the decision of how to best contribute as individuals and collectively. The goal is for our children to develop a knowing of who they are, an enlightened compassion for others, and an intuitive understanding of how they can make a difference by being their true, unique selves within their community and throughout the world.